Customizations Total: $ 0.00


12" Strawberry Pearl Ante Invert

Customizations Total: $ 0.00

A top choice when on the hunt for marlin. 

It would be safe to say that every Serious big game marlin boat in Hawaii has a Strawberry Pearl Lure with vinyl skirts very similar to this exact set up in their collection of tools and not a stretch to say this is true around the world.

There is something about this pairing that is timelessly deadly for marlin fishing. Vinyl skirts are both a tradition in Hawaii and some say a better skirt for big lures. A pair of 12” rubber skirts can add a lot of bulk and weight to an already big lure. This will impede the action of the lure from the extra drag. Vinyl is much lighter and the under skirts are just a few strips to add color. 

This combo is a must for chasing trophy marlin!

Don't be fooled but the light weight of this lure head. It's inverted face grabs a lot of water which holds this lure in place. It's straight running pop and smoke makes it an easy target with a great hook up ratio. Longer corner is a great spot for this one but it will do work for you in any position. 

Heavy Tackle

Head length: 3" Face diameter: 1 1/4" Total length of lure: 14 inches.

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