Let us fully rig you lure for you. We use 300 pound mono and SS hooks

Customizations Total: $ 0.00


7" Pau Hana: Blue Steel

Let us fully rig you lure for you. We use 300 pound mono and SS hooks

Customizations Total: $ 0.00

If you know the power of our flagship Milky combo then you should already be able to bridge the gap into what this color can do for you. 

Originally the all silver combo this color combo is a killer when the main bait is silver dollars or any type of shiny silver fish. 

This is one color that will work day in and day out and definitely have many days when it will take the majority of the bites. 

These 7” snacks will pay off headed into stripey season, smash the mahi and still be a hot ticket when the ahi roll around again. 
7" Pau Hana bullet will run just below the surface then come up to skitter along top like a fleeing flying fish. Easy to pull from any position, this one will take its share of all species. 


The Invert runs straight with a small pop, deep dive and a heavy trail of smoke.  The invert shape runs well in all positions and can handle rough conditions or high speed.

Head length: 2" head weight: 3 oz.  total length: 8"


** We cannot guarantee 100% availability of the skirts pictured at the time of your order. In the event we are out of stock of the skirt in the picture, we will make every effort to match it with an identical color of another brand or similar color and style. 

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