Let us fully rig you lure for you. We use 300 pound mono and SS hooks

Customizations Total: $ 0.00


Last Chance Collection

2022 Westside Ahi Shoot Out Lure

Let us fully rig you lure for you. We use 300 pound mono and SS hooks

Customizations Total: $ 0.00

Ahi Season is here so we are bring this one back!

This is the exact lure that caught the winning fish of the 2022 Westside Ahi Shootout!

The Westside Ahi Shootout is Hawaii’s largest annual Ahi tournament in Hawaii with between 150 and 200 entrees every year.

The lure is the original version of the H1 milky. It has since been replaced with a new version but to celebrate the win we will be making a limited batch of the OG version.

 Here’s a video from the crew of Boom Boom Sport Fishing of the winning lure.



** We cannot guarantee 100% availability of the skirts pictured at the time of your order. In the event we are out of stock of the skirt in the picture, we will make every effort to match it with an identical color of another brand or similar color and style. We will also notify you before proceeding which may lead to a delay in your order.

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