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7" Ali'i Fish Series: Disco Red

For as long as I can remember my dad ran this exact combo on his long corner. It was a red cracked glass JC's bullet and that lure destroyed all fish. Everything big, small, and medium size ate this color and I hated it. As an up and coming lure maker who was focused on detailed fish inserts this red lure looked like a pile of crap to me. 

We ran that lure until it was so broken it didn't work and my dad asked me to make one to replace it. I even ran one just like my dads when I first started captaining my own boat but as I gained my fishing confidence I stopped. I tried many times but could never make a red lure that I was happy with so this fish slaying color combo sat dormant until now.

When we created the Disco Red all the great memories of fishing with my dad came rushing back and I knew what skirts would be perfect for it. As I write this I can see the red and white of this lure cutting through the water right before we gaffed a fish, the smiles on my dads face, and the laughing and cheering from the memorable catches we shared.

Give this one a try and I know you will make these memories too.



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